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Sunday, June 28, 2009


Isn't it ironic that Michael Jackson's Invincible album only topped the charts for one week when it was first released but is currently being sold out with a waiting list of three weeks?

Songs that haven't been released since 1982-1984 are topping the iTunes charts with a whole new generation paying homage to the late, great King Of Pop.

As for Perez Hilton's remarks - pay him no mind. He can't handle that someone else was stealing the spotlight from his encounter with Will-i-Am and the Black Eyed Peas manager. And he said that Michael had problems. I recommend boycotting his website and ignore his obvious attempts to redeem himself. It will take more then simply rewording a blog to undo the spiteful things that he has said. Perez, if you are truely ashamed and sorry for what you've done then prehaps you'll leave the Jackson family alone during this hard time. Lord knows they're doing it tough and the constant glare of the media spoltlight is hard enough when he was alive. Now it has to be impossible.

To the Jackson family; our prayers, our thoughts and our undying love for you and Michael will be forever with you.

1 comment:

  1. The year 2010 will be better or worse depending pretty much on us,people, whether or not we can show that we learned something from this. People tend to return to their old habits once the problems vaporize. And sadly people still have self-destructive tendencies,continuing ignoration of real values.And this is difficult to fight. So all the predictions for 2010 you hear around are useless,they have absolutely zero value, coming only from greedy wannabe experts.

    And with regard to Michael,I feel very sorry for him. He had only little few true and honest friends around him.The good half of people who were trying to be close and profit from him should end up in the jail.RIP Michael
