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Monday, August 30, 2010

Ode To Ben

For those that read my Twitter page, you'll know that today I lost my beloved Ben.  He wasn't just a dog nor just a pet.  He was family.  And this little poem is for him. 

A heart of gold that stopped beating
Two twinkling eyes closed to rest
As the Good Book reads
God only created the best
And with no doubt
The best was you
Goodbye, we love you
Benny Benny Boo


  1. You loved him while he was alive. He'll always be part of you.
    Not just a pet, not just a dog. Family. Truer words were never spoken.

  2. I hate to see a good friend in pain. Especially one with a huge heart. Sweetheart, he will always be with you, giving ghostly kisses and living on forever in your heart - NR

  3. Bye Ben. You were without a doubt the most perfect dog. May you rest in peace and find true happiness in heaven. Watch over your family intently, the same way they watched over you. We'll miss you, boy.

  4. My deepest sympathies to you on the loss of your Ben. It's been just over a month since my little Lois went to doggie heaven and it still hurts a lot. I take comfort in the fact that I was able to give her a long, happy life and also at how much joy & companionship she brought to me over the years. She & Ben are up there, puppies again, wagging and waiting for us. Nelson
